Gayle Redfern Books
Ancient Wisdoms: Exploring the Mysteries and Connections
Gayle Redfern’s interest in spirituality has been life-long. This led to her degrees in psychology and holistic health. As a psychic, lecturer, motivational speaker and author of three books, Inner Bridges, Ayurveda Demystified and Within & Beyond, she introduces us to the value of ancient knowledge as a means of bringing peace and harmony into our lives. Many cultures learned these values millennia ago. Today, she shares the significance of applying ancient beliefs and laws to modern society. When individuals apply our ancient’s beliefs to daily living, they bring their body, mind and spirit into balance. Each individual balance then transfers over to the entire community. As she continually explores various societies, she sees how some cultures achieve this communal harmony while other groups lose the peace. Through her fourth book, she reacquaints us with the world’s ancient teachings.
How much do you know about your Past?
“It is important to know how our ancestors thought. We will be able to understand our future only if we understand our past first.”
Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men – Maya Nation

Overview of Gayle's books
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What others have said...
- This new book helps readers apply Ancient Wisdom to modern life.
- This brings to light the powerful connections between ancient and modern people and reminds us of the similarities between cultures around the globe. Find the technical data combined with a plea for human integrity.
- If you are interest in anthropology or spiritual messages, this is an opportunity to explore societies across land and time. Find commonalities of indigenous Elders teaching and the channeled messages that I received. This provides guidelines of the indigenous of their world learning ways to healing to a peaceful way of living.
- There are similarities and differences among people that are especially revealing. I found this especially revealing. The biggest gift of all in reading this book is learning about the philosophies ancients, we need to apply to our life today. Actually, we all need to apply these to all our lives, thereby living a more peaceful, less materialistic existence and allow the earth to heal from the devastation modern society that has been inflicted upon her.